We are delighted that you have been so successful in your planting.If you had a sponsor, please look for your initials below to see if they have left you a special message!
Nos Adiuva Illas Evadere In full bloom here. This flower is slow to open, but when it does, the reward is worth it!
We are delighted you would like to order from us! Please use one of our registered resellers in order to take part in the programme.We currently offer a matched programme, where whatever seed packets you buy for yourself, this order is matched with either one of our parter prison gardens, or they can be sent to a nominated prison inmate.We offer this service as a one month, three month or six month programme. Due to the seasonality and storage conditions of the seeds, we are unable to send these to you in bulk, so they would be sent each month.Interested? Get in touch, or order using one of our resellers!
Semina Sunt Inlecebras decorating the pathway of HM Langford, our first Prison Garden, and the home of our idea!
Since 2016, we have supported a wide range of UK and US prisons with their garden and outdoor recreation programmes.This has occurred through utilising brand partnerships, through donations, and by supporting the various prison gardens. This comes from an innate belief that working in a garden can for some prisoners, be a way that they can break free of their invisible chains. We know that we have a high success rate with rehabilitation.In addition, we can support the friends and families of prisoners, and directly aid their experience in prison. If you'd like to know more, please do get in touch!
Welcome to the hints for growing strelitzia.
Seed 1
All paths lead...where?Hint 1
Can you see the connecting lines on some of those stalks?Hint 2
Join those lines to the lines they point toward.Hint 3
Connect remaining lines to the dots.Hint 4
You will write out OPEN OFFICE Solution
Seed 2
RAGSPUD shows a code, connected to the maze.Hint 1
Replace the symbols with the letters.Hint 2
Use the compass shape to reveal the correct directions.Hint 3
Use the clues to know which is the right and wrong direction.Hint 4
Try highlighting the correct paths to find a ten letter pathway.Hint 5
The pathway will show GUARDSPASS, which is a clue for the next section. Solution
Seed 3
The blocks work with the guard pass.Hint 1
Crest and crown are above two symbols.Hint 2
Match the symbols to the card, and place the card using these in the correct orientation.Hint 3
You will see five letters on each side.Hint 4
Join the two strands up.Hint 5
The two strands spell out KILL LIGHTS Solution
Seed 4
This makes use of a grid at the back, and the strips.Hint 1
Look at the circled letters. Is one different?Hint 2
These are planets - order these according to their order from the Sun.Hint 3
Es/99 is our first clue for elements. Find the word, or place in decreasing value.Hint 4
When merged, a message will be found among the XsHint 5
This is a vital clue for the next session - ADD ON MONTHS. Look closely at the sheet, and at previous packets - the months are equations. Solution
Seed 5
You will need all of your previous labels, packets, and their order for this section.Hint 1
#ffffff is the colour white. Search online for the other colours.Hint 2
Place the labels on the correct locations, as per the colours. Hint 3
The numbers refer to letters of the alphabet, but you need to ADD ON MONTHS for each label.Hint 4
For example, Yellow (the first packet, you add on 8 (Sept-Jan, 9-1).Hint 5
The number revealed is 5, so 5+8=13. The thirteenth letter of the alphabet is M.Hint 6
This will spell out MAKE A GREEN, which is your next section's instruction. Solution
Seed 6
Three wires cascade over each other. Use the clue from the section before to help you.Hint 1
Highlight the yellow and blue wires (these colours combine to make a green.Hint 2
Collect the letters at all the junctions where they overlap.Hint 3
Check the order, as this only works from one end to the other. Hint 4
If you can't see a message, try reversing the letters.Hint 5
You will reveal HASHTAG MGO. Use the website to find out what is at #mgo. Solution
Welcome to the hints for growing chilli pepper.
Seed 1
The message states to Light the Fuse.Hint 1
The F is underlined.Hint 2
All the shapes appear connected.Hint 3
the right, appears an upside down F.Hint 4
Follow the lines, collecting the letters as you go.Hint 5
You will uncover FINDCANDLE. Solution
Seed 2
There are two parts.Hint 1
Let’s start with the five boxes.Hint 2
Under one is marked ‘4+1’Hint 3
This makes 5.Hint 4
The other two equations are upside down.Hint 5
5-2 is 3. Place this number in upside down.Hint 6
This makes an E.Hint 7
Do the same with the second equation.Hint 8
There are other clues for this word. The middle three letters make a drink.Hint 9
The last four letters make a blue-green colour.Hint 10
The first word is STEALHint 11
Follow the add symbol to the the strange shapes.Hint 12
On the other side are lines, and the phrase ‘close when closed’Hint 13
Close means to close the flaps.Hint 14
Can you join these symbols with the flaps closed?Hint 15
It is easier to transfer the lines across. You start with an M.Hint 16
You will end up with MATCH. Solution
Seed 3
is a lot to this seed. Look at all the elements carefully.Hint 1
The instruction says to ‘see what is in store’.Hint 2
This refers to your receipt.Hint 3
Next to the instructions are a W and an S boxed.Hint 4
The W and S are also underneath each other in that instruction (’what’ is above ‘store’).Hint 5
at the various letter parts scattered around this section.Hint 6
They correspond with the dotted diagram and the receipt.Hint 7
Taking D1E, we look for a D diagonal to an E, and find DIARY and TEA.Hint 8
T is below D, where the 1 is, so we put 1 where the dotted 1 is.Hint 9
Continue for all the other letters.Hint 10
With the dotted letters filled in, you will see the large column is left.Hint 11
You can either work this out, or use the shape itself, or use the clues top and bottom.Hint 12
R-S from PRISON. D-A from DIARY.Hint 13
All the remaining letters are Is.Hint 14
You will end up with IGNITE WICK. Solution
Seed 4
We have five filled-in symbols, a row of these symbols with elements added, and a grid with a mixture of symbols and letters.Hint 1
There are guides, and it suggests solving i first.Hint 2
The last two green shapes appear to be the letters ON, so perhaps this is a word?Hint 3
The first symbol appears to be the same as the one with the small D in it, but upside down.Hint 4
By flipping that shape and adding the D to the first symbol, you end up with an R.Hint 5
Continue this with the other letters.Hint 6
You end up with REFLECTION. This is a hint for solving ii.Hint 7
Each of the lines is a mirror or reflection line.Hint 8
Begin by reflecting the letters you can see (the C and two S letters)Hint 9
Now solve the other reflected symbols, transferring across the green markings inside.Hint 10
Be careful to ensure you have the shapes the correct way, as some of them are subtly different.Hint 11
You will end up with CLOSE FLAPS. Solution
Seed 5
The instructions say to fold in. Fold in the smaller triangles toward the centre.Hint 1
You will end with a W shape.Hint 2
The 1 is next to the label stick with the hole.Hint 3
Place the hole over the W.Hint 4
If you turn it, the arrow fits neatly into the arrow by A.Hint 5
Continue to find your first word.Hint 6
You will end up with WARM.Hint 7
When it points to P, the furthest hole doesn’t seem to work any moreHint 8
. The second hole does - perhaps because it is a second word?Hint 9
You will end up with PANELS.Hint 10
Part 2 has the strange screwhead symbol next to it (a circle with a line through it).Hint 11
This has been seen before.Hint 12
There is an equation nearby which shows this symbol added together to make a similar one with a diagonal down right arrow. Hint 13
Two plus two equals this, so the diagonal down right arrow must equal four.Hint 14
Next to the reflection word is another ‘screwhead’ equation.Hint 15
? plus ? equals 4 plus 2. So the diagonal down left symbol must be 3.Hint 16
By the instruction ‘close when closed’ is a third equation.Hint 17
2 plus ? equals 3. So the vertical symbol must be 1.Hint 18
These symbols are on the back of the paper.Hint 19
The symbols appear to be in five groups.Hint 20
Join 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 in the first section.Hint 21
Continue this for all five sections.Hint 22
You will end up with the word PANEL.Hint 23
We have the panel to warm! Using a candle, quickly and carefully heat this panel.Hint 24
You will discover the inside of the paper has now changed, helping you to solve Seed 6.Solution
Seed 6
This is the last seed, and will help us to reveal the last instruction using the previous five, so you will need the seed packet.Hint 1
The strange symbols on the side refer to letters which were revealed when you heated the panel.Hint 2
Yes, you do actually need to heat the word ‘PANEL’ - do that now.Hint 3
Welcome back. Write the letters which the symbols match with next to them.Hint 4
You will see that U and G are connected, and that square has been circled.Hint 5
You may also have noticed that DUG has been crossed out, and above the grid is the circle, equalling both 46 and the letter A.Hint 6
Finally, the 46th space on the seed answers has 46 marked.Hint 7
Use the words around the side to identify which boxes to circle.Hint 8
These will help you identify which letters you will need from the packet answers.Hint 9
Finally, use the planting guide on the packet to help you move around the grid.Hint 10
The first reorder code is U5.L2, which using the grid, takes us to the circled letter L.Hint 11
You will end up with ALARM IS OFF. Congratulations!Solution
Welcome to the hints for growing beetroot!
Seed 1
It appears to be a selection or random letters.Hint 1
What is underneath this triangle of letters?Hint 2
Some of the lines on this dotty maze are green.Hint 3
Fold the maze backward onto the letters.Hint 4
You'll see the lines in the maze lead to letters.Hint 5
Treat each line as a separate path, and collect the dots as you go.Hint 6
The letter found on the one dot path is the first letter, and so on.Hint 7
Seed 2
The letters to tell you to hide inside. What could that mean?Hint 1
The shapes on the green lines could be construed as letters...Hint 2
Use the green lines as fold lines to reveal letters.Hint 3
Write down the letters you have found in a line to more clearly see the three words.Hint 4
Seed 3
This 'seed' has two parts, a collection of letters with numerical values, and a panel of missing letters (but equations).Hint 1
Solve the value of each letter.Hint 2
Using the clues surrounding the grid, work out the missing values.Hint 3
Exchange these values for letters.Hint 4
The numbers missing are (top to bottom, left to right)6,3,20,9,3,17,6,20,9,12Hint 5
Seed 4 (harder sowing begins)
You are presented with three circles, each with lines, curves, scratches and marks, and a solitary word in each.Hint 1
You will need to utilise some elements of your packet for the puzzles going forward.Hint 2
We would also suggest good light and a pencil.Hint 3
In the circle marked 'red', what happens if you use the red plastic over the top of the circle?Hint 4
Removing the red reveals the letters R E D made from the remaining blue and green letters.Hint 5
This effect is less powerful with other colours, so tracing paper has been provided to help you.Hint 6
Complete the other two circles, using the same word clue.Hint 7
You will reveal three words, which is the solution, and an instruction for the next puzzle.Hint 8
Seed 5
You will need the solution to Seed 4 and other elements of your seed packet for this challenge.Hint 1
Follow the solution to Seed 4. But how?Hint 2
Look at the letters, circles and arrow. Hint 3
What could be placed there?Hint 4
Use your label stick to identify the direction and words within the ends and the circle.Hint 5
The top half says START, so place the blue plastic horizontally across the top half of the stack of lines.Hint 6
Use the Green to cover the bottom half.Hint 7
The letters, when two panels are combined, will reveal your solution.Hint 8
The bottom half is rotated 180 degrees, as indicated by the label arrow.Hint 9
Seed 6
We have a maze of sorts, with a selection of lines in different colours.Hint 1
Which lines should you trust, and which should you ignore?Hint 2
The first cross symbol is blue, so ignore all blue lines as you follow the maze.Hint 3
Collect the letters and numbers as you travel.Hint 4
When the coloured cross symbol changes, so should your wall selections.Hint 5
At the end of the maze, you should have a set of ten co-ordinates - a letter and a number for each pairing.Hint 6
This relates to the solutions made on the seed packet. These need to be correct in order to work.Hint 7
P3 is the first co-ordinate, which refers to the line starting with P, and the third letter along, so your first letter is A.Hint 8
Collate the rest of the co-ordinates to find your solution.Hint 9
Welcome to the hints for growing summer daisies!
Seed 1
You have a series of green and black lines.Hint 1
Can you visually remove the green lines, or trace the black?Hint 2
This will reveal a two word solution.Hint 3
Seed 2
A series of lines and dots on both sides of this triangle. What could they be?Hint 1
Begin with the lines which could form letters.Hint 2
Underneath them a re straight lines. Hold the paper up to your cell light.Hint 3
you should see the word THRU.Hint 4
Knowing this, you will need to find a six letter word. Look at the dots and lines.Hint 5
There is a small hint on the top of a dot, a line and a stopping T.Hint 6
Connect the dots in the same way.Hint 7
This will spell out the second word.Hint 8
Seed 3
A pipe leads downward, with letters underneath, and strange symbols along the path.Hint 1
There is also a key above, with the phrase 'sipH2On key' on it.Hint 2
H2O is water, so this is a key to the flow of water. We see that if water leaked from the pipe and hit the symbols shown, it would flow off in different ways.Hint 3
If it hits a triangle for example, it will flow to the right.Hint 4
At each leak, collect the letter which the water leads to.Hint 5
The first letter from the top is U.Hint 6
Seed 4
You have two building plans, with alarm zones marked out in binary, and an alarm key.Hint 1
All the doors to all the building are open. Use a pencil to close the doors.Hint 2
0001 is binary for 1, and with the door closed, you have formed the letter A.Hint 3
Collect the letters, following the alarm zone codes.Hint 4
Seed 5
A series of what appear to be flags surround two sides, with DOTING QUACK on an accompanying piece, and a collection of random Roman numerals.Hint 1
DOTING QUACK clearly corresponds to the flag symbols.Hint 2
The flags look a little like the seed labels. Hint 3
You will need your pink seed label for this activity.Hint 4
Placing your label on the end of each flag will highlight one number. Make a note of that number.Hint 5
Order the letters according to the numbers revealed.Hint 6
Seed 6
You have a grid of letters, separated by a match. Hint 1
Perhaps you should match something?Hint 2
Look at the top row of each set. It has a matching N and F (same letter, same position).Hint 3
Continue to do this through the columns.Hint 4
You will end up with a message - 'NFC HIDDEN IN PACKETHint 5
Scan the packet with your phone, or open up an NFC app.Hint 6
Alternatively, head to 7
Here, you will find a five lines letters, corresponding with your packet solutions.Hint 8
Match the numbers to your solutions to reveal the message. Hint 9
Welcome to the hints for growing mangetout!
Seed 1
You have all the letters, but can you place them correctly?Hint 1
Start by solving the multiplication question.Hint 2
This gives you a five digit answer.Hint 3
Place these digits under the letters of BROKE.Hint 4
The numbers don’t match the spaces above though…Hint 5
Look at the picture clue. What does it remind you of?Hint 6
It is of a barcode. Look at the barcode on the seed packet.Hint 7
Write out the numbers of the barcode under your letter collection.Hint 8
Reorder the letters numerically, so 1 is B, 2 is O Hint 9
You have all the letters, but can you place them correctly? Hint 10
Seed 2
You have a line of ten letter spaces, with two filled in.Hint 1
What are those symbols for?Hint 2
There appear to be markings above the symbols.Hint 3
Eight missing letters, and the large symbol is repeated twice.Hint 4
The symbol is eight spaces apart. So where can we find those letters?Hint 5
What other materials could help us?Hint 6
The newspaper has large words on one side.Hint 7
The word ‘belittle’ matches the marked space, and is eight letters long.Hint 8
Place BELITTLE in the spaces, Using the Roman numerals to help reorder the letters.Hint 9
Seed 3
The clues are all shapes, with BRISTLE DAWN spelled out and a triangle.Hint 1
Underneath is a guide to the triangle using three dots.Hint 2
Where else have you seen three circles?Hint 3
Look at the yellow plant label stick. This also has three circles.Hint 4
Can you place the stick on the symbols below in such a way that it shows three of the symbols above around the letters?Hint 5
The only three it matches are the triangle, the square and diamond.Hint 6
Collect all the triangle letters for I. The letters inside the triangle are A and D twice (two triangles). So, the word is either DAD or ADD.Hint 7
Do the same for the other two words.Hint 8
Seed 4
You have a lettered snake, an incomplete grid, several crosses in a pattern and an unusual phrase.Hint 1
If you follow the curvy line, it goes under one space and out of the grid, then under two spaces and out, then three, and so on.Hint 2
The letters in the snake must go on the grid, but how?Hint 3
The letters fit the missing boxes pattern, if you assume the full stop is a break.Hint 4
What does the phrase mean? What are the crosses for?Hint 5
These two elements match. The four larger crosses highlight four letters.Hint 6
The four letters spell out NAME.Hint 7
The phrase mentions the article. Do you have an article?Hint 8
Fritz is a name mentioned in the newspaper clipping article.Hint 9
The phrase tells us to stick with it. Stick?Hint 10
The label stick must come in use somehow.Hint 11
Not all the boxes are square - some are circular.Hint 12
These spell out Fritz.Hint 13
Put the stick on them, with the point the end of the lead letter (F, R and so on)Hint 14
Collect the letters in the other holes.Hint 15
Seed 5
You have all the letters, but can you place them correctly?Hint 1
There are some shape equations to solve.Hint 2
Two circles plus four is 34, so a circle must be worth 15.Hint 3
With all shape values solved, what next?Hint 4
The first instruction says connect. Can we connect two numbers with a line to make one of the shape numbers?Hint 5
Start with the largest. Which two numbers join with a line to make 76?Hint 6
Complete the lines. The label stick is a perfect ruler for this.Hint 7
You will end up with nine letters where lines cross, or near cross.Hint 8
Collect these letters up.Hint 9
Order them; they work roughly clockwise from 11 o’clock, spirally from the outside in.Hint 10
Seed 6
You have all the letters, but can you place them correctly?Hint 1
We have a circle, an arrow and ten symbols, which surround the page.Hint 2
Below the space for the sixth answer on the seed packet is a sowing guide.Hint 3
This guide starts with a star.Hint 4
There isn’t a star anywhere on the page.Hint 5
The arrow could be a line direction.Hint 6
Draw a line following the arrow, then continue the line’s journey to recreate the star shape.Hint 7
You have five shapes identified.Hint 8
Begin with the dotted triangle.Hint 9
Join them on your page in the same order they are placed on the journey of the star.Hint 10
The shape you have drawn is a 2. Your starting number is two.Hint 11
Write 2 where the star is.Hint 12
Increase this by 3 each jump.Hint 13
Use the reorder code as coordinates.Hint 14
You will find your sixth message.Hint 15
Use the 'seeds' provided to recreate this task!Reveal